... And Bootlegs For All

Metallica - Live in San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004

 Venue: Cow Palace: San Francisco, CA, USA
 Date: March 8, 2004
 Time: 69:00/22:05
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: B+/A-, AUD, 2 gen copy from master
 Notes: Great to hear such a fabulous audience recording. Equipment: Sony MZ-R700 Minidisc with SoundPro Cardiods. The show is sadly inc. but frankly speaking i'd prefer this source to the SBD one we get from livemetallica.com. The recording is sadly incomplete and the CD2 skips badly - the taper's MD started to die out. :(

 Disc 1: 1. Ecstacy of Gold
2. Blackened
3. Fuel
4. Seek and Destroy
5. Kirk Doodle #1
6. Fade to Black
7. Frantic
8. King Nothing
9. Holier Than Thou
10. The Unnamed Feeling
11. Sad But True
12. Creeping Death
 Disc 2: 1. Fight Fire With Fire
2. St. Anger
3. Kirk Doodle #2
4. Nothing Else Matters